
Upcoming Events

March 26 March 28

Data Analysis and Tips and Tricks

Mon, Mar 27, 2023 9:30 am to 10:30 am

The UTHSC Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting (FCCS) Core will offer four 1-hour classes in Marchat...

Molecular Sciences Building (MSB), 201

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#TakeCare Week 2023 Monday Activities: Bouncing Back, Stress Ball and Bubbles, Pot-a-Plant & Paint-a-Pot

Mon, Mar 27, 2023 12 pm to 1 pm

From 12-1 PM during #takecare week, students and residents will be able to choose activities...

Student-Alumni Center (SAC)

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Gentle Yoga and Meditation with Miranda

Mon, Mar 27, 2023 12:30 pm to 1 pm

A slow-paced class featuring seated and supported postures, and yogic breathing. The class flows...

Student-Alumni Center (SAC), S316

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All-Level Yoga with Peggy

Mon, Mar 27, 2023 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Revitalize your body, relax your mind, and reduce stress with standing flows and floor asanas...

Student-Alumni Center (SAC), S316

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